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A walk in the park

I lived in the U.K. for many years before getting a dog. I had always known that this was a country of animal lovers, but didn't realise just how much until l actually had my own dog.

We adopted Oscar from Battersea Dogs Home, and I have to admit I was initially quite nervous when we brought him home. I'd brought home two babies before, but this was somehow more daunting.

I was told to begin as you intend to carry on, so I immediately started to walk Oscar first thing in the morning. He and I get up earlier than the rest of the family and set off to the peace and quiet of Kensington Gardens before most of the city awakens. This is my favourite time of day!

In the summer months the park is bright, quiet and full of wildlife. Apart from the requisite squirrels and ducks, I have come across rabbits, geese, parrots and foxes. The winter is dark and romantic with mist, fog and beautiful sunrises as regular features.

But my favourite part of all this dog walking is the people that I have met. When you have a dog, other dog owners suddenly start to acknowledge your presence, initially with a conspiratorial nod, and eventually a good morning before finally stopping to chat. Initially the conversation will be about the dogs - what breed, how old, etc. But eventually friendships develop where once you passed each other unnoticed. I've met the founder of Passports for Pets, the body guard of Naomi Campbell and I've seen Princess Catherine pushing the pushchair with dog in tow.

If you have arrived in the UK with a furry friend, get out and about and meet other animal lovers. If you have questions or would like recommendations, get in touch with us at the FOCUS office:

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